Lumber freeboard mark of tropical zone bottom singling belt conveyer 热带木材运输干舷高度下吸式单板皮带运输机
Lumber freeboard mark of tropical zone 热带木材运输干舷高度
Signs mark the beginning and end of a silent zone. 寂静地带的起点及终点,均有标志示明。
Diurnal Variation of Plant Stem CO_2 Efflux Rates in Winter, Changting County, Fujian lumber freeboard mark of tropical zone 福建长汀冬季植物树干CO2释放速率日变化特征热带木材运输干舷高度
Lumber freeboard mark of tropical zone closed carriage for transporting passengers and mail. 热带木材运输干舷高度运输乘客和邮件的密封的马车。
It gives a mark to each index of sustainable development of littoral zone through the questionnaire and form visited, gets the weight of each index and the results of seven cities finally. 通过问卷和访问的方式对影响海岸带可持续发展的各个指标进行打分,用层次分析法得到了各个指标的权重,最后得出七个城市的评价结果。
As concerns the latter, a stable reference mark bed that can be continuously traced in whole region exists around the target ( to meet the condition within a sedimentary cycle) in prospecting zone is needed. 对于后者,要求在勘探区内的目的层附近(满足一个沉积旋回内),存在一个稳定的全区可连续追踪的参考标准层。